Gauri Kund

About Gauri Kund

he ‘Lake of Compassion’ accompanied with a plethora of bygone tales which is also known as the location where Goddess Parvati acquired back Lord Ganesha- the Gauri Kund is amongst the most winsome lakes all across the globe.

Demonstrated in the Shiva Purana, dive deeper into the spiritual relevance of Gauri Kund while coming across the ancient tales associated with it…

There exist abundant places of Interest near Holy Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar with some of them being Manasarovar Lake, Tirthapuri, Gauri Kund, Yam Dwar, Asthapad, Siwasthal and the most important Tarboche. Let yourself be an indispensable element of this tour and engross in the spirituality as well as the positive aura lying in this place. Innumerable pilgrims from all over the world especially the neighboring countries are continually being a participant in the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra each year packed with high enthusiasm and energy. For anyone striving to witness and thus, indulge in the worship of the almighty Lord Shiva shall go no ahead than the majestic Mount Kailash and the abundant spots established on the routes paving the way towards it.

The journey to the pious Mount Kailash is known as the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra and it is an amalgamation of an array of divine centers spotted by the pilgrims while being on their way to the heavenly abode of Lord Shiva i.e. Mount Kailash. It is majorly prominent as the good luck for the devotees if they indulge in the peak’s parikrama also known as the circumambulation by foot. Each of these spots carry a special relevance whether spiritual or historical along with them and the most prominent out of these is none other than the Gauri Kund. The holy Kailash Manasarovar Yatra is a one-step solution for each and every pilgrim who is looking forward to the days filled with high divinity and serenity.

Gauri Kund is accompanied with massive significance incorporated in the tour to the holy Mount Kailash.

It is recognized with abundant names such as the ‘Lake of Compassion’ and also the ‘Parvati Sarovar’ solely because the history and the spirituality of this lake is connected to the Goddess Parvati. The lake is tucked at an elevation of 5608 meters on the Siwasthal which is present on the way to the Mount Kailash while going downwards from Dolma - La (Dolma Pass). The ancient tale related to the Gauri Kund has been very finely demonstrated in the ‘Shiva Purana’ which is known to be a really fascinating one. As notified by the Hindu Mythology, Goddess Parvati was able to acquire back her son- Lord Ganesha.

The elephant headed god i.e. the Ganesha was given life by Parvati and that too with the help of soap lather on her body at the Gauri Kund. She formed an image of Ganesha with the soap lather and breathed life into that and thus, it led to the formation of her son. She was intending to place Lord Ganesha at the entrance of the place where she was taking bath so that no one could enter that spot and when Lord Shiva came, Ganesha stopped him from entering. Shiva found it to be a very disrespectful act and while being offended he cut off the boy’s head. Witnessing this, Parvati was stuck with immense grief and as a conclusion, she asked Shiva to bring Lord Ganesha back to life and thus, he took the head of a wandering elephant and placed it on the body that as a conclusion brought him back to life.

Gauri Kund is considered to be a very important element and thus, is mandatorily visited by each and every visitor present here and the divine story associated with it is continually proving to be one of the prime reasons responsible for the addition of this place in everyone’s bucket list who is planning to participate in the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra. The splashing of the Gauri Kund’s water is believed to purify your senses and also the soul, also they bring back some water from the lake to their homes for the purification purposes. Thus, indulging in the calmness, beauty and the clarity of the Gauri Kund is no less than an utmost satisfaction for thousands present here

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