Tibet Mount Kailash Trek

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Mt.Kailash Overland

The most holy and mystical mountain in the Himalayas, Mt. Kailash has been a holy site to the adherents of Hindu, Bon, Buddhist and the Jain religion for centuries.

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Cycling Lhasa Kathamand

Normally we fly from Kathmandu to Gongar airport (Tibet). It is around 1:15 minute flight duration. The views of snow capped mountains from the flights are scenic, the world highest mountain is just below your airbus.

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Mount Kailash Trekking

The most holy and mystical mountain in the Himalayas, Mt. Kailash has been a holy site to the adherents of Hindu, Bon, Buddhist and the Jain religion for centuries.

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Tibet Mount Kailash Trekking

The most holy and mystical mountain in the Himalayas, Mt. Kailash has been a holy site to the adherents of Hindu, Bon, Buddhist and the Jain religion for centuries. Geographically situated in the middle of six mountain ranges symbolizing the Lotus, Mt. Kailash is said to be the eternal adobe of Lord Shiva, the God of all Gods in Hinduism; the place where the first Jain Tirtahnkara, Rishabhadeva attained liberation from rebirth, the navel of the universe and home of Buddha Demchok who represents supreme bliss in Buddhism; and the place of all spiritual power in the Bon religion.

The four major rivers of the Indian subcontinent, Indus, Brahmaputra, Karnali and Sutlej, along whose banks the earliest civilizations arose in the Indus valley thousands of years ago originate from Lake Mansarowar in Mt. Kailash, the highest fresh water lake in the world. So, it is no wonder that Mt. Kailash, Lake Mansarowar and its sister lake Rakshastal has been the holiest pilgrimage site for the inhabitants of the region whose waters still sustain much of the Indian subcontinent.

The circumambulation of Mt. Kailash and the water of Lake Mansarowar is believed to wash away all sins of the pilgrims and devotees have endured this long and arduous pilgrimage for thousands of years. Due to the terrain and the abrupt rise in altitude, the penance for the pilgrimage considered one of the hardest is also one of the greatest path to salvation.

Though today the route is much short and safe due to modern conveniences, it has not lost its spirituality and the mystical inner peace experienced by those who tread the paths followed by ancients in search of the same spirituality. The 14 nights 15 days Mount Kailash Mansarowar Yatra (tour) conducted by us at Visit to Tibet is to help devotees keep their vow and make the pilgrimage run as smoothly as possible with our expert team of experienced local guides and impeccable logistics.

The snow capped Mt. Kailash that towers over the other mountain ranges, the deep blue water of Lake Mansarowar and Lake Rakshastal clear, enough to see the bottom of the lake, the monasteries along the lake which look as if carved right out of the cliffs has a mysterious and mystical magnetism that has made generations of humanity come and pay homage to the mountains that has sustained them spiritually and physically. The route is one of the most spiritual and out of the tours and trails run by us at Visit to Tibet, we would highly recommend this spiritual walk to all devotees and travelers of the world.

We can also do camping trip using Tents instead of guest houses and Mud houses. Mt. Kailash tour and trek can also be done combining trek in Humla region of Nepal. It includes 7 days trek in westerner part of Nepal from Simikot to Hilsa. Or still one can fly to Hilsa and reach Mansarovar in two days from Nepal. We can also fly to Lhasa head to Holy Manasarovar and Mt. Kailash and drive back to Kathmandu.

The following Itinerary is regular tour/ Yatra which is 14/15 days including Kathmandu to Kathmandu:

Detailed Day Wise Itinerary

  • Day

    Arrive in Kathmandu (1350 m)

    Visit to Tibet team will welcome at the Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal. We will meet you and greet you and accompany you to the hotel for check-in and rest. Overnight at Hotel.

  • Day

    Sightseeing around Kathmandu – visit temples

    We will go for half-day sightseeing tour of Kathmandu. Visit Pashupatinath Temple, Guheshwori Temple and Budhanilakantha (lying Bishnu Temple). Final preparation for Holy Kailash Yatra/ pilgrimage tour i.e. checking the equipment which will be used during the tour. For any assistance you need to buy our team will assist you any time you wish. In the evening Chinese visa so called Tibet permit which comes in paper also called group visa will be handed over and briefing about the trip will be organized. Overnight at Hotel.

  • Day

    Drive Kathmandu to Nyalam 3750 m (156 km)

    Today we head to Kodari which is Nepal-Tibet boarder by private vehicle/ bus. The drive is scenic views of green fields, hills and mountains. We also cross rivers like Indrawati, Sunkoshi, Bhote Koshi. It takes almost 4 hours to reach Kodari boarder. After all immigration and custom formalities at the Nepalese side, we cross the friendship bridge which is boarders of Nepal and Tibet/China. The walk from Nepal side to reach the Jeep/ Land Crusier of Tibet is about 1.5 km. Tibetan Guide will come with document at immigration next to friendship bridge and Zhangmu. We will further continue to Nyalam and Rest. Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Nyalam – free day for acclimatization

    We will hike to hill in slow pace which helps for acclimatization in altitude. It helps us to acclimatize fast and also gives us shape to go for Kailash Kora/ Parikrama. Drinking water, soups, juice would also helps us to acclimatize. Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Nyalam – Saga 4450 m (240 km) (Cross the pass Tong La 5120m and Lalung-La 5050m) (6 hrs)

    On the left we see Shisapangma (8013m), Phola Ganchen (7661m), Langtang range and Gaurishankar bows our head and heart can feel freshness. Today we cross the pass Tong La 5120m and Lalung-La 5050m. We will meet and cross many lakes and rivers. Among them Lakes like Khumen Tso, Korru Ochen Tso, Peiku Tso and Lodu are near by the road. Chungkar and |Lapuk Monastery are opposite side of Lake Peiku Tso. There are Village settlements like Yarleb, Siling and Sashik where we can see local Tibetan house, people and culture. We will cross Bramhapurtra river before reaching Saga. Overnight stay at guest house.

  • Day

    Saga – Paryang 4610 m. (180 km)

    We will cross rural settlements like Targyelling and Drongba. We also cross Lublung La.We will also see Sheep and Yak herders on rural community. On the clear weather we will see snow capped mountains toward south on Nepal side. Overnight stay at guest house. Or Camping.

  • Day

    Paryang – Mansarovar 4558 m (277 km)

    Today we cross Lake Gung gyu Tso which is at 4622m. Driving to Holy Lake Mansarovar (4560m) is longest driving day as we go kora/Parikrama (going around putting on right hand side.) by Land Cruiser/ Jeep. While circumbulating/ Kora of Holy Lake Manasarovar we come across Seralung Gompa, Nyego Gompa (Ruin), Trugo Gompa (Gelukpa), Gotsuk Gompa and finally hault at Chiu Gompa. As we also will see Holy Mt. Kailash for the first time. You will feel your visit/ tour to Kailash is almost completed. Your dream comes true after having darshan of Mt. Kailash and having holy bath at Manasarovar. Lake Manasarovar is the fresh water lake where Fishes and Swans live together. We will also have view of Mt. Gurula-Mandala and Lake Rakshash Lake./ Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Manasarovar – Darchen (40 km)

    We will have holy/ritutal bath and homa/ puja at the bank of Lake Manas in the early morning. We come across the till village called Barkha. Today we will drive to Darchen which is considered as the base camp of Holy Mount Kailash. It is the shortest day to drive for only one and half hour today. On time permission we can visit Chu Gompa. On the side trip paying extra to the driver we can arrange de-tour to Austapad and Trithapuri. Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Darchen – Darboche (13 km drive) – Diraphuk (4860 m.) (7 km trek / 5 – 6 hrs)

    Today we come across Selung Gompa before reaching Darbochhe which is called valley of Gods. Today we drive for around 13 km from Darchen to Darboche. It is the point our trek/ hike/ Parikrama on foot starts. We can hire horse, horse-man and helper as per your need to make your Yatra/ tour more comfortable. The distance of 7 kilometer of walk/trek/ride from Darboche to Diraphuk will take around 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Diraphuk – Zutul-puk (4760 m) (18 km trek / 9-10 km) (passing through Drollma-La pass 5,630m.)

    Today is the hardest day of Kora/ Parikrama or Yatra itself. From Diraphuk we climb up (ascend) till pass Drollma-La (5630m). The ascending (going up) is less difficult than descending (coming down) as all Yatris/ Pilgrim have to walk getting off from the horse. The walk is for about 9 to 10 kilometer on loose stone. It is always good to carry good trekking shoes which protects your ankle at this point. We will visit Gauri Kunda and come across Parvati-stal, we can have far away darshan. We also by pass many caves. It is believed that Milerappa once visited here and perforemed miracles. Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Zutul-puk – Darchen (10 km / 4-5 hrs) – Mansarovar (end of Kailash Parikrama/Kora)

    The Last day of Kailash Parikrama/ Kora is easy walking on beautiful valley. We will walk for about 3 to 4 hours where our Jeeps will be waiting for us to bring us back to Mansarovar. Here we can refill the water to take back home. Overnight at guesthouse.

  • Day

    Drive to Dongba (366 km) 7-8 hrs.

    Today we will be driving from Mansarovar to Dongba for about 8 hours. The distance is 366 km good road. Overnight at Guesthouse.

  • Day

    Drive Dongba to Nyalam (376 km) 7-8 hrs.

    Today we will drive in good road for 7 to 8 hour from Dongba to Nyalam. The distance of driving is around 376 Km. Overnight at Guesthouse.

  • Day

    Drive Nyalam to Kathmandu (156 km) 6-7 hrs.

    Today again we will finish all formalities at immigration in Tibet and Nepal and will reach Kathmandu in the late afternoon. In the evening after dinner we will have meeting and wants feedback from all Yatris to there Holiest and toughest journey/Yatra in the world. Congralution!!! to all those Yatirs who have completed the Holy Kailash Yatra and welcome to new Yatirs who want to accompany us. We will treat you as our own family member and bring you safe back home. Overnight at Hotel.

  • Day

    Fly back home and stay as long as you wish doing tours/ Yatra in Nepal

    We will take you to international airport for your onward flight or you can continue other tour (Yatra) in Nepal.

Service Included:

  • All pickup and drop including in Nepal and Tibet i.e. from Airport to airport.
  • Three night accommodation in Kathmandu at hotel on twin sharing room with vegetarian meals.
  • Half day Sightseeing/Guided tour in Kathmandu with English speaking guide.
  • Tibet permit/ visa and necessary document to travel to Tibet.
  • Eleven night’s accommodations in Tibet on group sharing basis using guesthouse and Mud houses.
  • Supporting crew including our own experienced cook.
  • Freshly cooked vegetarian meals 3 times a day i.e. Hot breakfast and hot and warm dinner and packed Lunch.
  • English speaking Tibetan guide TTB approved guide.
  • An experienced Team Leader (co-ordinator) with each group.
  • Permits for Manasarovar and Kailash Kora (Parikrama).
  • Transportation by 4500 Land cruisers/ Jeep where 4 Clients will be sharing it.
  • Mattress, dinning tent, kitchen tent, kitchen utensils, etc
  • Duffle bag (big bag for keeping personal clothes and equipments)
  • Small bag pack to carry water bottle and camera.
  • Gambo bag, ENOUGH Oxygen cylinder and Pillow for entire tour/ Yatra.
  • Yaks and Yak-men to carry baggage, food, fuel etc while going for Parikrama/Kora (Circumulating Mt. Kailash)

Service not Included:

  • Personal Pony/horse, horse man, helper charges which is approximately USD 280 to USD 325, just to remind it is non refundable like suppose use it for a day will not get refund.
  • Personal Insurance. Please be sure we do the evacuation but bill comes to you.
  • Personal expenses like shopping, phone call, extra bottled drinks, Laundry etc.
  • In case of cancellation from your side, cancellation charge as per the Tibet agent policy.
  • Additional cost due to Natural calamities like landslide, flight delays and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.
  • Reduction of days in Tibet and reshedulation the trip you will not have refund. We have to follow the agreements of Tibet agency.
  • Tips to drivers, hotel staff, guide and supporting crews.

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