Kailash Manasarovar Inner Kora With Everest Base Camp

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra via Lhasa covers major cultural sites of Lhasa, Gyantse, Shigatse and pilgrimage site Kailash Manasarovar. The major tour highlights of this tour around Lhasa are Potala Palace, Sera Monastery, Norbulingka Palace, Jokhang Temple, Tibetan traditional Barkhor Squire, Tashilampo Monastery in Shigatse and most sacred Lake Yamdok on the way driving in Gyantse to Shigatse. Our further drive continues various cultural richest Tibetan towns to reach Kailash region.

Our trip starts with a spectacular Mountain View flight from Kathmandu to Lhasa and overnight for 3 days in the beautiful city of Lhasa. Guided tour and acclimatization in Lhasa for 3 days will be more helpful for your entire trip to adjust your body in high altitude. After a cultural trip in central Tibet- Lhasa, we further drive to Lake Manasarovar and Mount Kailash which lies in Ngari region of Tibet. We explore holy Lake Manasarovar and make three days Kailash Parvat Kora/ Parikrama with walking or by a horse. The whole tour of Lhasa Kailash Tour is driving on the well-paved road except three days of Kailash kora.

Detailed Day Wise Itinerary

  • Day

    Arrive in Kathmandu (1300 m). Overnight at Hotel

    Welcome at the Tribhuvan International Airport Kathmandu. Our representative will greet you and escort you to the hotel for check-in and stay overnight.

  • Day

    Kathmandu valley sightseeing and trip preparation. Overnight at Hotel

    After breakfast, we start by sightseeing of major heritage sites of Kathmandu valley including Pashupatinath, Swayambhunath Stupa and Jal Narayan. Back to the hotel and stay at the trip briefing. You will get some free time for shopping and packing for your trip. Stay overnight at a Hotel.

  • Day

    Fly Kathmandu – Lhasa Transfer to the airport for your flight to Lhasa. Overnight at Hotel

    On your arrival to Lhasa, a cultural city of Tibet, we will meet you at the airport and transfer you to the hotel. Taking it to slow the rest of today, you can adjust to the altitude easier and quicker. You are recommended to drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep for making an adjustment to the long journey ahead.

  • Day

    Sightseeing in Lhasa. Overnight at Hotel

    Today we visit Lhasa including Potala Palace which is the oldest palace of Dalai Lama, the first Buddist & temple of the Tibet; Norbulingka Palace and Drepung Monastery. Stay Overnight at Hotel at Lhasa, Tibet.

  • Day

    Drive Lhasa - Shigatse (3900). Overnight at Hotel

    Further, our way lies in the capital of a province of Tsang - Shigatse - residence Panchen Lama - the second ecclesiastic of Tibet. Early in the morning excursion in a monastery of Tashilhunpo (it is based on 1447), visiting a temple of the Buddha of the future - Maytreya and also other temples of a monastery. Night in hotel.

  • Day

    Drive Shigatse - Saga- /4450m 250 Km. Overnight at Hotel

    The journey today brings you over two high of more than 5000 mitre passes with fine views. Driving day over the sandy and rocky land of Tibet, other things like lake, nomads chasing thousands of yaks and sheep keep you busy. By the late afternoon, you will cross Bhramha Purtra Riverway to typical Chinese and Tibetan town, Saga for the night.

  • Day

    Drive to Manasarover via Paryang (4558m) 277km 8 hours, Overnight at Guest House

    The day starts with full of excitement, by the late afternoon you can have the first sight of Holy Kailash Parbat and Manasarovar. Here, a small village nearby Lake Manasarovar, we will spend a night there.

  • Day

    Exploration of Lake Manasarovar and drive to Darchen (14975ft) 40km. Overnight at Guest House

    Manasarovar is the lake of compassion, tranquility and bliss. After completing the memorable morning Bath and Puja we will be heading towards Darchen. It is considered as a base camp for the Holy Kailash Parikrama.

  • Day

    Kailash Parikrama. Drive to Valley of the God and trek to Derapuk/4909m. Overnight at Guest house

    It is one of the exciting days walking along the beautiful rocky cliffs; waterfalls with some clouds in the clear blue sky make you feeling that Great God Shiva is everywhere with tons of blessing to you. Time to time the face of Kailash Parbat will keep on appearing. For 15 km trail it takes almost 6 hrs.

  • Day

    Derapuk - Charan Sparsh - Derapuk. (8/9 Hours) Overnight at Guest House in Derapuk (B, L, D)

    Start hiking to Charan Sparsh from North face of Kailash with your guide. You will be at very closed view of Mount Kailash. It is walking whole day over glassier and reach closed view of Mount Kailash. It is part of Kailash Inner Kora. Back to Derapuk for Overnight.

  • Day

    Trek to Zuthulpuk by crossing Dolma La pass (5613m). Overnight at Guest house

    Hardest but Holiest day of your pilgrimage Yatra with Dolma-La (pass) of 18600ft between two valleys. Yamasthal should be crossed to reach the Shiva-sthal while your steps go closer to the pass. Once you reach the top, just do the holiest offering and sit down for meditation to forget yourself. Once your steps go down, Parvati-stal and Gauri Kaunda are on the way. By the late afternoon, you will arrive Zuthulpuk (the cave of Miracles. The great ascetic Milarepa is supposed to have performed miracles here).

    OPTION: Inner Kora Trek –Derapuk – Kuber Kund – Zuthulpuk. Both groups to merge at Zuthulpuk and stay overnight at Zuthulpuk

  • Day

    Trek back from Zuthulpuk – Darchen (Darchen) (10 km / 4-5 hrs) Overnight at Guest House (B, L, D)Morning free time to explore the caves, temples and shrine around Milarepa cave in Zuthulpuk. After walking 3 hours, all the driving crew will be waiting for your arrival. By late afternoon you will be at your lodge in Darchen and rest. Preparation of Kailash Inner Kora from tomorrow. Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

  • Day

    Start Kailash inner kora. Asthapath, Saptarishi Cave, Atmalingam. Overnight at Monastery or in Tent in Asthapath. (B, L, D)Hike to Asthapath, explore Serlung Gumba, Saptarishi cave, Atmalingam and mount Kailash view. You have option to take personal helper from Darchen. Walk back to Asthapath Serlung Gumpa and drive back to Darchen. Today we will get very simple foods.

  • Day

    Finish Kailash Parikrama and drive back to Saga. Overnight at Guest house

    Today, we end Kailash Kora and drive back to Saga.

  • Day

    Drive back to Shigatse. Overnight at Hotel

    Easy day onward today. We take easy driving back to Shigatse town which is second biggest town of Tibet. You can make late afternoon walking tour.

  • Day

    Drive to Lhasa. Overnight at Hotel

    Continue drive to Lhasa city and transfer to Hotel. Prepare your bag for flight back to Kathmandu tomorrow.

  • Day

    Fly back to Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel

    Early in the morning drive to Gonggar Airport from Lhasa. It is 90 km and takes 2 hours. Reach Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel. Rest

  • Day

    Final Departure to Home or further program in Nepal

    We drop you to the International airport for your final departure. Or continue for your further trip in Nepal.

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